message boot camp
Never before has the ability to speak up and speak out been more important – and never before have so many corporate leaders failed miserably on the public stage. The business graveyard is littered with CEOs that couldn’t explain their company, their mission, their share price or their apology at the right time and right place.
Sure, we’ll help you create the exact messages, phrases and words that will resonate with your target audience. But more importantly, we’ll help you deliver those words and deliver credibility to your target audience.
It’s not hell, but our Message Boot Camp may feel like hell. Luntz does more than simply crafting words that work. We train people to communicate effectively. From workshops to closed door sessions, we’ll take you (and your spokespeople) through the entire message delivery process. We’ll conduct sample interviews and rapid-fire Q&A’s that will be far tougher than what you’ll be put through. We’ll take you through a mock debate so that you’re prepared for every eventuality.
And unlike most speech coaches who can only guess at what you should say, we’ll know for sure. Our detailed language testing enables us to get the message down to the exact words, phrases and sound-bites that will generate support and enthusiasm among your target audience.
If you can survive our Message Boot Camp, you can survive 60 Minutes, Bill O’Reilly, and Meet the Press.
There’s a reason why we are so trusted. We’ve worked with the world’s leading politicians and businessmen because we’re no nonsense, we don’t accept mediocrity, and what we do works.