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luntz global services

Luntz Global’s CEO, Dr. Frank Luntz, is the founding force behind message research development. And what began as mere word testing two decades ago has now flourished into a better-than-boutique communications company.

Whether it’s emergency communications management or employee relations, image management or brand building, public relations or political relations, Luntz Global creates customized language research projects. The goals of each project are tailored to the goals of each client, but the upshot is this: every client gets a comprehensive understanding of which part of their message works, what needs improvement, and how their message campaign can lead them to success.  

instant response focus group

Instant Response focus groups represent our signature approach to market research.  In fact, you might have seen our instant response technology on NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX News, and PBS and on major network programs such as 60 Minutes, The Today Show, Good Morning America and Nightline. Instant Response Focus Groups are the next-generation method to exploring public opinion.  Learn More

issues & answers

We do more than just measure public support for your policies or products. We turn great messages into world class language so that you take hold of the news cycle. You’ll control the tone and timing of the debate through carefully crafted language that puts the public on your side. It’s because of our instant response dial sessions – the toughest, most unforgiving language environment you’ll ever face. If you can win your audience there, you’re certain to win them when it matters most.

Silence is no longer an option. The news cycle never ends. Either you determine the message or someone else will. Learn More

international expertise

No longer are messages bounded by time or geography, but a more connected world doesn’t make for easier communication. The way your language brings your ideas to life – a cultural misstep can spell the difference between winning and losing an increasingly sophisticated global audience. Luntz Global’s expertise lies in discovering the local language that moves world-wide audiences. Learn More

crisis management

It’s no secret that public opinion is turning against corporate business. Best guesses in the boardroom can no longer address challenging, and often nuanced, public facing image problems. And the risks have never been higher: you have one shot to get past a crisis…or you fail completely. Those are the stakes. How you handle future communication crises may define the future of your company. Learn More

employee satisfaction

Make no mistake – labor unrest in America is real, and it’s growing from one community to another. Companies that are listening to employees are as profitable as they are stable. It’s why we go further than any other communications firm to understand where employees are, and how management can take them to where they want to be, so that everyone wins. Learn More

ad creation and testing

It’s a fact – you have mere seconds to capture the attention of your audience and get them to hear your message.

Because we not only test advertising, but also use what we’ve discovered to create marketing spots that work, our clients don’t waste time and money on ads that don’t. It’s the reason why so many businesses have turned to us to refresh the way they create their image.  Learn More

product development

If you remember one thing, remember this: product development isn’t about consumers, it’s about people. It’s the human touch that turns a consumer good into an unforgettable part of life. That’s our approach to developing better paths to product expansion, and it’s the reason why we’ve been so successful helping businesses grow. Learn More

message boot camp

Never before has the ability to speak up and speak out been more important; and never before have so many corporate leaders failed miserably on the public stage. Business graveyards are littered with CEOs that couldn’t explain what their company is about or why their mission matters. We won’t just help you create the exact messages, phrases and words that will resonate with your target audience – but more importantly, we will help you deliver those words in a way that creates credibility with your target audience. Learn More